CropShare – loved by the Community!
On Saturday 15th March we spent another beautiful day at Willow Farm for our fourth CropShare farm day of the season. This was the first one since our CropShare information evening at CB1, so there were lots of new faces on the farm! 🙂
Thanks to Heike for giving us an account of her first day at CropShare…

Heike (in the red jacket) and the volunteers listen to what Farmer Paul has planned for today’s farm day
What jobs did you do? Putting leek seeds into tiny pots.
What did you do or learn that was new? How good soil feels and smells.
What did you most enjoy about the day? the tranquility and Sky the dog
What did you most enjoy at lunch? that people were so nice and everything was relaxed and friendly
What veg did you take away? carrots and one beetroot
And many thanks to Lynn for this report of her day:
“Had a great day on Saturday. Sowed seeds all day, but the best thing was the people. Lots of new faces, and people are soooo interesting! I learned so much as well – lovely to hear from so many people from other countries, their experiences are so different.
We also had a visit from Elenor McKenny of Community Lovers Guide. Thanks so much for supporting us and delivering the print version of the Guide today Elenor! We have a lovely article in the Guide written by CropSharer Jacky. It’s great to be in amongst many other exciting projects in Cambridge also in the Guide. Check it out!
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