Spring is in the air!
As Cropshare emerges from the dank coolness of winter into the warming spring sunshine, green shoots emerge from the ancient willow trees that surround the farm. These green shoots, like the amber light on city traffic lights fortel of a time of action to come. But not to be taken by surprise CropSharers, not dissimilar to a rag and bone man’s carthorse, have been unable to rein in their vitality and lust for clean air and green fields. Like a broken bank of a fenland drain in the ‘47 Flood, they have poured into Willow Farm and unlike the drenching of yesteryear have been welcomed back with open arms and crowned with the garlands of heroes.

So far this year, woodchip has been made from fallen branches, seeds have been sown , broad beans have been hoen (it’s now a word) and the Hugel beds started in the autumn have been added to. Just last weekend, we have planted one with potatoes; in the ‘trail of tears’ bed, that some of the survivors of that day may remember. Poly tunnel beds have been dug over and some tomatoes planted.

‘Sounds like all the work has been done Farmer Paul.’ I hear you cry but no , as this season unfolds your help will be required more than ever. But this story is still at the beginning so come and be an actor on nature’s stage, (I’m sure you will be wonderful!) and help bring the farm to fruitful harvest. Sign up here.
May your bike rides be dry and devoid of punctures.
Farmer Paul.
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