HenShare chicken delivery!
We had a surprise CropShare farm day today, as 30 new chickens for the farm’s HenShare scheme arrived early!
The farm already has a small flock of Black Rock- type chickens that were badly depleted by foxes last year. The flock has always been given free run of the whole farm, and used to come up to CropSharers at lunchtimes!
Although it’ll be a shame to not have the chicks clucking about us, Farmers Paul and Doreen have decided to enclose the chickens this year. They’ll be in a massive field, with shade and areas for them to dust bath.
Today’s tasks were to move the two chicken sheds together and get an electirc fence up and running around the chicken field.
First job was to move the chicken shed, which Farmer Paul has ingeniously designed to roll on fence posts and be pulled along by the tractor.
Went very smoothly! Here’s Farmer Paul looking pleased.
Two chickens decided to hitch a ride inside the moving shed though…
Next, the fencing. Couple of new fence posts bashed in, and then we sorted out the wire for the electrics.
Very rarely for me, I forgot to take pictures of lunch, woops! Trust me, Farmer Paul’s lentil stew, fresh molasses bread and choc buns went down a treat.
I did take photos of the sheep having their lunch though- CropSharer Lynn, who used to keep sheep in Wales, gave them some beet nuts which they loved.
And then the new chickens arrived!
All the ladies were unloaded into their shed, and kept in overnight so they get used to their new surroundings. They might take a bit of time to learn how to get back to their new perches.
Get updates on the HenShare girls from Farmer Paul on twitter @waterlanderman and on his blog here.
Or you can see them for yourself at our next farm day, Sat 6th April!
We’ll be having a casual get together for all CropSharers and CropSharers-to-be at the Cambridge Brew House on Kings Street, Friday 12th April from 8pm.
Come share a drink from their own on site microbrewery and a chat with us.
If CropShare socials proove popular we’ll visit different pubs around Cambridge- suggestions welcome!
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